
His impact on the world and me was wonderful! His legacy lives on through the many people The Pacific Institute impacted, including Businesses and sports Teams, reducing the numbers on welfare systems, reducing recidivism, Apartheid in South Africa, and transitioning from a communist regime.

Lou Tice firmly believed that we become what we think about most of the time, and his teachings centered around using our thoughts to shape a better reality for ourselves.

If I had the opportunity to speak to Lou Tice about what it takes for us to live to our potential, what would he tell us today? 

I imagine that each call with him would echo his philosophy that changing our thinking is the first step towards changing our performance and, ultimately, our lives.

Coach Phil: Hello, Lou; today, I wanted to dive into the topic of how beliefs shape human behavior and perception. It’s fascinating how our beliefs can have such a profound impact on how we perceive the world and ultimately, how we act.

Lou Tice: Absolutely, Phil. Our beliefs act as filters through which we interpret and make sense of the world around us. They shape our reality and influence our actions, often without us even being aware of it.

Coach Phil: I couldn’t agree more. I recently had an experience that highlighted the power of perception. I recall you sharing a time when you took a helicopter ride with camouflaged soldiers wearing special goggles that allowed them to see in the dark.

Lou Tice: It was incredible to witness how their perception of the world was completely different from mine. It made me realize how limited our visibility can be at times, leading to uncertainty and fear.

Coach Phil:  That sounds like an eye-opening experience. 

Lou Tice: It just goes to show how our beliefs and perceptions can be influenced by our environment and the information we have access to. And it’s not just limited to special goggles, but also the language we use and the beliefs we hold.

Coach Phil: Absolutely, Lou. Language plays a crucial role in shaping our beliefs and perceptions. It’s interesting how people tend to block out information that contradicts their beliefs, leading to what psychologists call cognitive dissonance. This selective attention can create confusion and frustration when things don’t align with our expectations.

Lou Tice: That’s a great point, Phil. We need to be aware of our tendency to filter out conflicting information, as it can limit our growth and understanding of the world. We must actively challenge our beliefs and engage in a search for truth, even in the smallest matters, like finding a lost item. We all have Scotomas, from the Greek language, simply meaning blind Spots, and they show up in our five senses: sight, sound, touch, feel, and smell. 

Coach Phil: I agree, Lou. It’s all about being open to new experiences and constantly questioning our own beliefs and values. By doing so, we can unlock our full potential and live a more fulfilling life.

Lou Tice: Well said, Phil. Our beliefs and the perceptions they create shape not only our individual lives but also our performance in various areas. Take Cliff Young, for example. With his unconventional beliefs and incredible perseverance, he managed to win a 600km race against world-class runners at the age of 61.

Coach Phil: Cliff Young’s story truly exemplifies the impact of beliefs on our perception and performance. It’s fascinating how his unique running style, despite being unconventional, allowed him to conserve energy and break records because he didn’t know that you were supposed to run six and sleep eighteen hours.

Lou Tice: It just goes to show that our beliefs and aspirations can have a profound impact on our personal and professional growth. We can accomplish remarkable things when we believe in ourselves and in the possibilities that lie ahead.

Coach Phil: Absolutely, Lou. Our beliefs shape our perception, and our perception shapes our actions. We must continually question our beliefs and values, staying open to new perspectives to maximize our potential and lead fulfilling lives.

Lou Tice: You’ve summarized it beautifully; Phil. Beliefs are the driving force behind our behavior and perception. By understanding and manipulating our beliefs, we can gain control over our lives and achieve our desired success.

-courtesy Coach Phil